How to Use red fox in a Sentence

red fox

  • If Červený is correct, then the red fox is unique in many ways.
    Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 11 Jan. 2011
  • Most homes rest on stilts; red foxes and berry bushes hide in the knee-high grass.
    Kyle Hopkins, ProPublica, 18 July 2019
  • A few minutes later, as my truck took the road’s sharp curves, a red fox darted across the path.
    Adam Popescu,, 1 May 2018
  • Just to the east, a red fox followed a cottontail rabbit track through the fresh snow.
    Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1 Jan. 2020
  • And rarely, a Cooper's hawk, coyote or red fox will make a rush through the feeding zone.
    Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2 Feb. 2022
  • The red fox, on the other hand, is a frequent sight in the English countryside.
    Lorraine Berry, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2020
  • There are two fluffy Canadian red fox tails attached to the frame.
    Christopher Borrelli, Chicago Tribune, 10 Oct. 2024
  • Deer, red fox and coyotes can be spotted traipsing around the park.
    Karl Schneider, The Indianapolis Star, 28 June 2024
  • After spending the first three months of their lives in the den, red fox kits are ready for adventure.
    Bridget E. Hamilton, National Geographic, 16 June 2020
  • In rural areas, red foxes live on the borders of woods and fields.
    Eleanor Nash, Kansas City Star, 22 Jan. 2024
  • But the piece de resistance is the red fox fur jacket that Hutton threw on top on her way in.
    Tara Gonzalez, Harper's BAZAAR, 10 Mar. 2023
  • The Sierra Nevada red fox is one of 10 North American subspecies of the red fox.
    Scott Sonner, ajc, 3 Aug. 2021
  • The experts also found a number of reindeer, horse, bear, wolf, red fox and arctic fox bones.
    Fox News, 18 Mar. 2020
  • Your curator has seen a red fox in the back, a woodchuck out front, and the hatching of songbirds in a nest underneath our eaves.
    Steve Winter, National Geographic, 4 June 2020
  • Wells spotted a red fox slinking through the unruly tangle of trees, grasses and bushes.
    Washington Post, 9 Sep. 2019
  • The red fox, the most widespread of all fox species, appears to have originated in what is now Hungary about 3.4 million years ago.
    David James, Anchorage Daily News, 23 Feb. 2020
  • The nearest Sierra Nevada red fox sighting in recent memory was in the Sonora Pass area, north of the park.
    The Editors, Outside Online, 29 Jan. 2015
  • Most red foxes don’t live more than four years in the wild, but next year, Payne and Snow are celebrating their 10th anniversary.
    Maggie Menderski, The Courier-Journal, 10 June 2024
  • State Fish and Wildlife biologists hope to capture and collar as many as four red foxes this year.
    Jane Braxton Little, sacbee, 8 Mar. 2018
  • One day, a red fox paused in front of a window, the elegant fact of his body familiar and reassuring.
    Sylvia Poggioli, The New York Review of Books, 29 Mar. 2020
  • Virus found in at least 88 mammals in the U.S. , including harbor seals, red foxes, skunks and a bottlenose dolphin.
    Dinah Voyles Pulver, USA TODAY, 15 June 2024
  • The Fish and Game Commission has banned the trapping of river otters, desert kit foxes and red foxes, among other species.
    Louis Sahagun,, 13 Sep. 2017
  • During the summer months, researchers found brown hare, red deer, moose, wild boar, red fox, raccoon dogs, Eurasian lynx, and wolves alongside them, as well as a number of birds and bats.
    David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 17 Oct. 2019
  • This sandy cove is home to wildlife including moose, white tailed deer, red fox, coyote, raccoons, and porcupines.
    Miriam Porter, Forbes, 30 Sep. 2021
  • Fewer coyotes means more red foxes and weasels; that means fewer mice; and fewer mice means less Lyme.
    Alan Wirzbicki,, 22 Aug. 2019
  • The rare Sierra Nevada red fox has been spotted further south than at any time in nearly a century.
    Kate Galbraith, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 Jan. 2023
  • Mammals like the moose, river otter, and red fox can all be spotted on land, while close to 300 different varieties of bird have been recorded in the park over the decades.
    Jared Ranahan, Forbes, 25 Apr. 2022
  • Fish and Game's red fox fact sheet states that their diet includes small mammals, birds and bird eggs, vegetation and carrion.
    Bob Hallinen, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Apr. 2018
  • Wild animals are rarely seen — only red foxes and minks are native to Iceland.
    Rich Westcott,, 13 Apr. 2018
  • Maryland’s red foxes were pushed the edge of their territory, and their numbers declined.
    Darryl Fears, The Denver Post, 3 June 2019

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'red fox.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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